The decline of key fob battery

The decline of key fob battery life: Understanding the factors.


In recent years, many drivers have noticed a frustrating trend: the batteries in their vehicle key fobs seem to be dying faster than ever before. This decline in battery life can be attributed to several factors, each of which plays a role in reducing the longevity of these essential devices.


One of the primary reasons for the decreased lifespan of key fob batteries is the growing popularity of keyless entry systems in modern vehicles. While these systems offer convenience and security, they also require more power to operate. As a result, key fob batteries are being drained at a faster rate than they were in the past.


Another factor contributing to the shortened lifespan of key fob batteries is the advanced features and technology found in modern vehicles. Push button start and keyless entry systems rely on a technology called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) or Near Field Communication (NFC) to communicate with the vehicle. This technology requires the key fob to constantly send signals to the vehicle, even when it is not in use. As a result, the battery in the key fob is under constant strain, leading to a shorter lifespan.


The quality of the batteries used in key fobs can also play a significant role in their lifespan. In an effort to reduce costs, some manufacturers may use lower-quality batteries that are more prone to failure. Additionally, variations in manufacturing processes can lead to inconsistencies in battery quality, further reducing their lifespan.


Tips for Extending Key Fob Battery Life

-Avoid keeping the key fob too close to the vehicle when not in use, as this can cause the key fob to remain in constant communication with the vehicle.

-Replace the key fob battery regularly, following the manufacturer's recommendations.

-Avoid using additional features such as remote start excessively, as this can drain the key fob battery more quickly.

-Consider using a key fob case or cover to protect the key fob from damage and reduce the impact of environmental factors. 

Written by Joe Davis Autosport